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The Field [Pre-Alpha]

[ ๐”ผ ๐•Š โ„‚ ๐”ธ โ„™ ๐”ผ ] - [ โ„ ๐”ผ ๐”ธ ๐•ƒ ๐•€ ๐•‹ ๐• ] ยท By RokiiDoki


Recent updates

DevLog #15 - Unreal Engine is Awesome!
So I have started really picking up speed with learning Unreal Engine. One big takeaway is that in Unreal Engine, most game stuff is already made for you. In Un...
DevLog #14 - Back to Square One (?)
So I have been having a lot of fun getting really into Unreal. I have been remaking the Zombies mode from call of duty. There are quite a lot of differences fro...
DevLog#5 Switched to Unreal Engine 5
Original text of DevLog#5 - 1/10/22 Oops. Ill come up with an excuse later. Im really into visual scripting right now tho. It may change things about the game...
DevLog #13 - Being a Bit More Productive
Well, it's been a minute. Honestly, the game isn't much far along from where it was before. What is the reason? General creative block. I tried distracting myse...
DevLog #12 - Establishing a Vision With AI
It's been a minute. I haven't really known what to do next on my game. It feels like every part that I try to work on is missing a key component elsewhere in th...
DevLog #11 - Small break from that...
Soooooo... that interesting idea went nowhere because I didnt know exatly what I wantedf rom it. I expected to be experimental about it and try to make a small...
DevLog #10 - Figuring out the MAIN main mechanic.
Quick devlog because I dont wanna spend all day on this. Basically i've been thinking about what is my games main "quirk" or "draw" to make people WANT to play...

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